Electronic controls

For proportionnal and on-off valves
We recently developed a range of electronic boards for the automation and control of on-off and proportional valves.
They are designed to provide a precise system, with high performances and flexibility.
For example, our modules with autonomous functions allow you to manage the power of solenoids without passing by the master board. It may be useful when the time between the signal that conditions the change of power and the effective change must be particularly short.
Moreover, thanks to architecture based on CANBUS the system is modular and scalable.
From the economic point of view our cards are competitive, and have the considerable advantage of being controlled by an Open Source programming language, PAWN. As a result, the development environment of your applications programs is completely free. Competitors usually bill the single license several thousand euro.
Control is also precise and smooth with simultaneous movements, from the lowest to the highest speed.
Here is in this video a arm for brush cutter controlled by our dedicated control board for mobile applications.
Sorry this video is available only in Italian.